theoretical stage

英 [ˌθɪəˈretɪkl steɪdʒ] 美 [ˌθiːəˈretɪkl steɪdʒ]

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  1. Township head P'an responded that training for guerrilla warfare had gone far beyond the theoretical stage, and that the techniques of actual guerrilla combat had been stressed.
  2. However, due to a lack of support for the legislation, administrative system of public interest litigation in the study is to explore the theoretical stage.
  3. A calculation example demonstrates that the theoretical stage number obtained by graphics is largely different from that by the proposed method.
  4. Based on theoretical analysis of every stage, the critical TMP is used to control the external membrane washing for a long-term stable operation of the membrane system.
  5. In the present paper, the model of the theoretical sampling number for stage sampling was simplified.
  6. Study on theoretical characteristics of two stage traveling vane in counter rotating fan
  7. The performance comparisons of the novel cross-flow cascade packed column with a counter-current packed column for stripping ethanol from water indicate that the gas-phase pressure drop per theoretical stage in the novel cross-flow column is significantly lower than that in a countercurrent packed column operation under identical conditions.
  8. The research works remains on the theoretical stage. The main content of this thesis is as follows: Some new information on cascade AGC area is reviewed, some key elements and deficiency of AGC are pointed out, and the future trend of AGC is outlined.
  9. The desorption condition of chromatography is studied, the resolution and the theoretical stage number are calculated.
  10. The Primary Theoretical Stage in Marx's Ideological Process: A Critical Analysis on Strauss and Bauer's Philosophical Basis of Christianity
  11. Although the generation of continuous auditing over half a century, but has not been developed from the theoretical to the practical stage, which a big reason is there is no reliable technical support.
  12. The research into the phonology of the "Ge Lti" of poems met the turn to the practical stage from the theoretical stage.
  13. However, current research JMI most remain in the theoretical stage, not the implementation of JMI micro research.
  14. The developing history of Sustainable Development Education is devided into the evolution of five stages& sprout stage, backdoor stage, alternative development stage and theoretical system-in-the-beginning stage, the last stage means that relative consensus has been made on theory and how to go into practice.
  15. Now the related products have been developed in foreign, but in China this area is still in the theoretical research stage.
  16. At present Mobile Agent technology has the theoretical stage from the past into the practical phase, but these Mobile Agent system does not provide a sound mechanism for guaranteeing the security of communications.
  17. However, recruitment based on the competence theory is still in the theoretical stage in China. Most of domestic enterprises can not use the competency model in the practical work which is a big problem for us.
  18. The current penal code of our country has not set up a system about the fault of victim, and the research on this problem by scholars still stays in theoretical stage, even without forming a powerful authority theory.
  19. At the same time, the most research of e-commerce revenue is still in the theoretical stage.
  20. The current study about vibration control technology of active vehicle suspensions still remained at the theoretical stage. There are several issues needed to be resolved.
  21. At present, most traffic identification methods still remain in the theoretical stage, so they cannot be applied to reality.
  22. While the issues concerning on the protection the supervision right of government revenue is still at the forefront of theoretical stage, the studies or documents is fewer in China.
  23. Matters accounting is the new areas of accounting theory to explore in recent years. But the research for matters accounting still remain in the theoretical and trial stage.
  24. Now, the most research on speech localization technology is still in the theoretical simulation stage. Speech localization research is difficult in reasonable choice of the localization algorithm, topological structures of microphone array, reducing the surrounding environmental noise, and so on.
  25. In China, the research of knowledge network and networking innovation are mostly based on the theoretical exploration stage, and take the network relation and structure as the main areas of research.
  26. However, most Researches on Training Development in respect of HR Capital& Labor resources Quantitative Management are still in theoretical and abstractive stage.
  27. However, most of the research for consistency still remains in the theoretical stage, but simulate the results of the argument by computer.
  28. However, the current study is still in the theoretical and experimental research stage, and no uniform standard to follow.
  29. If these problems are not practically solved, they would be remained in the theoretical research stage in a few years.